
While the governments of the so-called 'democratic countries' have used the Ukrainian pretext to relaunch a massive campaign of hatred towards the Russian Federation and its people, more and more people are instead realizing the truth: namely that Russia remains and will always remain a bastion of peace against Western governments that want to impose their model of 'liberal democracy' on other nations, using any pretext for this purpose.
For this reason, every single help, also and above all from citizens of these countries, can make the difference.
Glory to Russia!

They call themselves the land of the free, but they have 750 military bases all around the globe, as stated also officially in their sites.
It is three times as many bases as all the other world's countries combined.
Watch this short video and think about it, before standing against Russia and before believing western propaganda which describes us as aggressors.

why donate

We have created ONLY ONE SITE to collect all the donations made by people, associations, companies who trust in Russia and who do not believe the overwhelming propaganda of lies underway, aimed at fueling Russophobia in the world and weakening the economy of the Russian Federation.
With this site we will demonstrate that the funds collected up to now by the opposing side are just a small part of the international community.





In this section will be periodically updated the total amount deriving from donations received through the various cryptocurrencies; all the amounts donated in Bitcoin and Ethereum are in any case visible and verifiable in detail on the blockchain as the latter is public and decentralized. To visualize the donations through Monero, the cryptocurrency that offers the highest standard of security and anonymity, you need also the along with the address.